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Industrial Supplies

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  • kentintrol.com

    choke valves and rotary valves

       [Overdue] KKI are worldwide suppliers of rotary vales, severe service control valves, surface choke valves and standard service control valves for the oil and gas and petrochemical and power industries.

    [Valves] - www.kentint*ol.com - UTF-8 - 2015-09-13

  • keofitt-uk.com

    Keofitt Sterile Sampling valves from Daken Stainless Products...

       [Overdue] Keofitt Sterile Sampling System Valves, spares and accessories. Daken Stainless Products are Authorised distributors of M4, W9, W15, W25 and Microport sample valves.

    [Valves] - www.k*ofitt-uk.com - UTF-8 - 2014-11-17

  • ksb.com

    Valves and Service

       [Overdue] KSB is one of the world's leading manufacturers of pumps and valves and also offers a comprehensive range of service activities. The company's products and services are used in process engineering and building services, water and waste water management, and in the energy and mining sectors.

    [Industrial Supplies Projects] - www.ksb*.com/ - UTF-8 - 2015-09-12

  • macvalves.com

    Air Valves...


    [Valves] - www.macv*lves.com - UTF-8 - 2015-09-13

  • pbvvalve.com



    [Valves] - www.pbvval*e.com - ISO-8859-1 - 2010-12-20

  • pisco.com

    Pisco Pneumatic Equipment Tube Fittings Controllers Vacuum

       [Overdue] Pisco supplies pneumatic equipment such as tube fittings, controllers, switching devices, vacuum devices, piping tubes to satify your most specific applications.

    [Pneumatic Tools] - www.pis*o.com - UTF-8 - 2014-07-15

  • procladgroup.com

    Lined Pipe Fabrication

       [Overdue] Proclad Group is a global manufacturer of internally clad lined pipe, fittings, flanges, vessels, and other well head components. Specializes in pipe fabrication, including induction bending, pipe cladding, and weld overlay.

    [Valves] - www.proclad*roup.com - ISO-8859-1 - 2011-03-18

  • quadrantvalve.com

    Quadrant Valves & Actuators


    [Valves] - www.quadran*valve.com - ISO-8859-1 - 2011-03-18

  • rodadeaco.com

    RodaDeaco by AMOT Diesel Engine Safety Solutions

       [Overdue] Roda Deaco provides complete diesel engine overspeed air intake shutoff systems, offering a wide selection of sizes and actuation methods to meet the installation requirements of the hundreds of different diesel engine applications in use today

    [Valves] - www.rodadeaco*.com - UTF-8 - 2013-03-22

  • rushasvalves.com

    Bronze Steam Valves...

       [Overdue] Manufacturers Of Strainers, Relief Safety Valves, Cast Iron Steam Valves, Gauge Glass Valves, Gilled Ring Economiser, Ferrous Casting, Non Ferrous Casting, Bronze Steam Valves, Bronze Globe Valves, Bronze Gate Valves, Ibr Bronze Valves, Non Ibr Bronze Valves, Cast Iron Steam Valves, Boiler Mountings, Stop Valves, Check Valves, C.I. Stop Valves, C.I. Check Valves, Boiler Castings, Dumping Grate Boiler Castings, india

    [Valves] - www.*ushasvalves.com - ISO-8859-1 - 2014-12-18

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