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Results 1 - 3 of about 3
  • Modify this message 2012-01-25 Industry - Sinopec Signs Gas Deal With APLNG - Others - New Hua - 236.248.198.*
    China Petrochemical Corp, known as Sinopec Group, said Friday that it has signed a deal with Australia Pacific LNG Pty Ltd (APLNG) to purchase 7.6 million tons of liquefied natural gas annually for 20 ...(284/1)
  • Modify this message 2012-01-11 Article - China Trade Surplus Continues Declining Trend - Others - New Hua - 151.149.138.*
    Falls for third consecutive year as global demand shrinks for exports BEIJING / SHANGHAI - China's trade surplus narrowed further for the third consecutive year in 2011 to below $160 billion, while ...(222/1)
  • Modify this message 2012-01-10 Industry - Chinese Manufacturing Company Acquires Ferretti Group - Others - New Hua - 68.95.100.*
    JINAN -- A manufacturing company from east China's Shandong province will buy Italian luxury yatchmaker Ferretti Group, according to a deal the two firms reached on Tuesday in the provincial capital o ...(220/1)

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