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Tender & Bidding

 Matthew Smith 

  • apsiz-bid-team.co.uk

    Apsiz Bid Team

       [Overdue] Tender and Bid support services. Winning a place on a public sector framework could change the future of your business, opening the door to contracts worth millions of pounds.

    www.apsiz*bid-team.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2016-05-20

  • limtreasury.gov.za

    Welcome to Limpopo Treasury


    www.limtreasury*.gov.za - ISO-8859-1 - 2015-08-03

  • indeco.co.uk

    Indeco Management Solutions


    www.i*deco.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2015-08-02

  • tenderwiz.com

    TenderWiz Tender Management Software

       [Overdue] Tenderwiz - Integrated Technology Procurement - The right way to Procure and Deploy Technology Projects. Integrate your expertise, sourcing and project management functions for the best ROI and consistent success.

    www.tender*iz.com - ISO-8859-1 - 2015-07-31

  • ntpctender.com

    Welcome to ntpctender


    www.*tpctender.com - ISO-8859-1 - 2015-07-31

  • bruntonconsultancy.co.uk

    Brunton Consultancy

       [Overdue] Brunton Consultancy delivers business consultancy services specialising in recruitment, candidate attraction, recruitment process design & delivery, assessment centres, personality profiling. Recruitment advice and guidance.

    www.bruntonconsu*tancy.co.uk - ISO-8859-1 - 2015-07-30

  • tendertailor.com

    Electronic Tendering System...

       [Overdue] Software Tailor is a Software Outsourcing, Offshore Software Development, Enterprise Software Solution Provider in Hong Kong, Shanghai, China providing Enterprise Tailor Made Software

    www.ten*ertailor.com - UTF-8 - 2015-07-29

  • bidperfect.co.uk

    Bid Management and Bid Writing Services

       [Overdue] Bid Perfect provide bid management services to help you write winning bids. We also provide bid support, bid reviewing and proofing, tender training and bid writing courses. Contact us today and start writing successful bids.

    www.bi*perfect.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2015-07-29

  • bid-better.co.uk

    Win public sector contracts I

       [Overdue] Engage the services of Bidbetter and win public sector contracts.

    bid-better.co.*k/ - UTF-8 - 2014-10-13

  • lccsuppliers.com

    Low Cost Country Suppliers

       [Overdue] Low Cost Country Suppliers provides e-sourcing for manufacturing parts as per drawing/specifications/NDA etc.Supplier can create own company profile, get access to request for quotes and submit quotation to RFQ and RFI.

    www.lccsupplier*.com - UTF-8 - 2014-10-04

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