Industry - China Auto Parts In M&A Drive To Move Up Value Chain - Auto Parts - New Hua - 242.171.185.*
Chinese auto parts makers are moving into the overseas M&A fast lane, eyeing a distressed global market to close a technology gap with world leaders to meet sizzling demand at home and eventually sell ...(162/1)
Industry - Chinese Manufacturing Company Acquires Ferretti Group - Others - New Hua - 68.95.100.*
JINAN -- A manufacturing company from east China's Shandong province will buy Italian luxury yatchmaker Ferretti Group, according to a deal the two firms reached on Tuesday in the provincial capital o ...(228/2)
Industry - Ing In GOP Election Campaign No Cause For Concern - Regional Investment - New Hua - 155.163.216.*
BEIJING - Criticism of China has again become a feature of the US presidential election campaign, but tough rhetoric on the campaign trial will melt away after polling day, analysts said.
In the l ...(87/1)
Industry - Chinasforeign Trade Surges 22.5% - Others - New Hua - 206.142.251.*
BEIJING -- China's foreign trade surged 22.5 percent in 2011 from a year earlier to $3.64 trillion, the General Administration of Customs (GAC) said Tuesday.
The country's annual trade surplus nar ...(117/1)
Industry - Google Puts MySQL In App Engine Cloud With Google Cloud SQL - Computer Related Projects - Pigaso - 203.232.178.*
Google has filled a major hole in its platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering with the introduction of Google Cloud SQL, a relational database service for developers building applications in Java and P ...(262/1)
Sell Offer - Trekking In Nepal,trekking Guide In Nepal - All Trek Nepal - Internet Service - kamal Rimal - 10.100.18.*
Trekking in Nepal
You have almost infinite choices for your trekking adventure beyond the fixed itineraries that most agencies offer. You can take any level of difficulty treks ranging from relaxed ...(134/1)
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We sale major leagues discount jerseys with cheap price, including NFL jerseys, NHL jerseys, MLB jerseys,
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Sell Offer - Cheap Football Shirts Soccer Jerseys Onweb - Internet Service -
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Cheap football shirts soccer jerseys onweb store discount soccer shirts -
football jersey new kits in very good quality soccer shirts have many teams football kits and offering in very reasonable pr ...(203/1)
Website & Links - Web Designers Chennai | Web Design Chennai - Computer Related Projects - spiderindia - 122.165.80.* - Visit this site
Spider India is developing as the one stop solution for webdesign chennai by providing the
web world with services that can take you closer to your success. Designers at Spider India
combines ...(342/1)
Sell Offer - Cereal Bar Machinery - Shandong Americhi Food Machinery Co., Ltd - Food Processing Machinery -
- Victor - 60.216.245.* - Visit this site
The raw materials can be crush nuts, corn grains and its mixture with syrup or chocolate. You can also choose the cooling tunnel according to your demands. Suitable for products made from fat material ...(179/1)
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