Hotel & Restaurant2012-10-02
Description: 南中国大酒店座落于中国著名的旅游风景区---三亚大东海之滨,距三亚凤凰国际机场仅14分钟车程。这里依山傍海,四季如春,椰风、阳光、沙滩、海水和热带园林构成的酒店园景豪华、温馨、浪漫。酒店设施配套齐全,是一家集消闲度假、旅游观光、国际会议、商务洽谈于一身的四星级多功能酒店。富丽堂皇的大堂典雅气派,设计匠心独运,长廊式的通道与商场相联,坐在宽大的落地窗地前,几杯品茗,几杯咖啡,欣赏着窗外的大海,让您充分感受到滨海自然风光的神奇魅力。森林浴至理想至优良的生态场所。这里是会议、度假的至佳选择。Located at the side of East China Sea--one of the most famouse beauty spots for touring, South China Hotel is only 14 minutes dor driving to SanYa Phenix International Airport. It is surrounded by mountain and sea and the city is green all year. The hotel view, which is formed by breeze, sunshine, sand, seawater and the tropic garden, is luxury, snug an...
Catalog: Hotel & Restaurant @ Services
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Last modified: 2012-10-02 18:32:04
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