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 北京空港奥竺宾馆网站 010-64548082 首都机场附近宾馆 酒店 北京机场附近宾馆 北京机场附近快捷酒店 首都机场附近特价酒店

Description: 首都机场附近宾馆北京空港奥竺宾馆,是按照三星级规格创建的快捷酒店,通用24小时接送机。T3接机电话:13370155372,T1、T2接机电话:13370155376 。位于首都机场南生活区,距离首都机场3公里。宾馆有300套客房,2个餐厅,咖啡厅提供宵夜至凌晨2点。宾馆附近有超市、餐厅、银行、邮局等。One of Beijing airport hotels is Beijing aulympic airport hotel, about 10 minutes drive to Beijing capital international airport. You can enjoy free airport pick up service 24 hours by leaving arrival flight number. It’s a 3star airport hotel with 300 rooms, 2 restaurants, and a convenient store. Its’ café serves food and drinks from 9:00am till 2:00am. WIFI and English is available. Special rate can be given if you book by email to shenggang19...

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