Chemicals Agents2015-01-07
Description: 西安信征电子材料有限责任公司是一家从事化工材料集研究,开发,生产,销售于一体的专业化工企业。产品主要包括分散剂,银玻璃粉,氧化锌电阻片,抗老化剂、润滑剂、导电银浆及其他电子浆料用玻璃粉等。公司自创建之日起以优良的产品品质、日臻完善的经营管理及售后服务,赢得了广大用户的好评和信赖。公司坚持“以人为本,科技领先,诚信永远”的服务理念,以质量求生存,以服务创效益。公司还将不断开拓进取、与时俱进、勇于创新,并坚持不懈地为各界朋友和新老客户提供满意的产品和服务。...
Catalog: Chemicals Agents @ Chemicals
Charset: GB2312
Last modified: 2015-01-07 22:59:01
Related seek: Chemical Reagent - Pigment - Coatings - Heterocompound - Dyestuffs - Chemicals Designing Processing - Elementary Substance - Printing Oil - Others - Alkyne - Rubber Products - Amine - Organic Intermediate - Organic Acid - Fine Chemicals - Soap - Flavour and Fragrance - Aldehyde - Inorganic Salt - High Polymers - Sulfone - Organic Salt - Fodder Additives - Food Additives - Aromatic Hydrocarbon - Inorganic Acid - Adhesives & Sealants - Lab Supplies - Sour Anhydride - Chemicals Stocks
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