Agriculture Product Stocks2016-02-13
Description: 河北特产网由石家庄故乡情(河北特产)商贸有限公司主办,主旨宣传河北地方特色食品和民间传统工艺品。张家口蔚县剪纸、衡水内画鼻烟壶、保定铁球、定瓷、芦苇画、磁州窑、黑陶、衡水三绝、景泰蓝、邯郸陶瓷、唐山陶瓷、老粗布家纺、皮影、马若特泥塑、易水砚台、武强年画、面花模子、泥模儿、布老虎、牛角雕、粗布印花等,是河北商务政务礼品的上乘选择。...
Catalog: Agriculture Product Stocks @ Agriculture
Charset: GB2312
Last modified: 2016-02-13 19:34:54
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