Education Training2015-09-15
marol makwana road
City: mumbai
State: Maharashtra (India)
Zip: 400059
Country / Region: India
Tel: 9222287738
Business Analytics Using SAS.
Business Analytics Using SAS training program is completely hands-on and it is taught the way it is being used in the Industry. The program starts from scratch and hence a beginner can also take this course. We have included good number of practical examples and programming using SAS for a better understanding. This course is ideal for students, professionals and anyone interested in a career in SAS.
Edu CBA is a global Investment Banking training firm focused on onweb Excel VBA, Financial Modeling and Valuation Training. We impart Practical Knowledge, skills and discipline to transform your financial analyst career.
Last modified 2015-09-15 14:52:14182.70.48.*
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