[Sell Offer]The following message about A4 Paper 80 Gsm, ... was posted by Rahman Abdulgafar09/06/2010
Last modified: 2010-09-06 14:43:04Rahman Abdulgafar (116.206.142.*)
Contact Infomations
Open Directory - Office Supplies - > Paper - A4 paper 80 gsm,75gsm and 70 gsm
Full Name: Rahman Abdulgafar Email: doublea4papersales@gmail.com Mobile: N/A Company: N/A Telephone: N/A Address: N/A Postcode: N/A Website: N/A Period of validity: 30 days Related seek: Education Tools - Fax Machines - Switchboard - Stationery - Video conferencing - Telephones - Office Furniture - Projectors - Consumable - Shredders and Cutters - Education Appliances - Office Supplies Agents - Copiers - Attendance Calculator - Printer - Others - Graph Plotter - Office Supplies