[Sell Offer]The following message about sunglasses was posted by wholenikeaaa jaylee05/23/2010
Last modified: 2010-05-23 10:26:34jaylee (121.11.255.*)
Contact Infomations
Open Directory - Home Supplies - > Glasses - wholenikeaaa - sell some brand hats,bags and clothes,and sunglasses
Full Name: jaylee Email: jaylee1938@live.com Mobile: 13062130000 Company: wholenikeaaa Telephone: 13062130000 Address: fujian Postcode: 351100 Website: www.wholenikeaaa.com Period of validity: 100 days Related seek: Lighting & Display - Home Supplies Agents - Toy Agents - Home Supplies Projects - Cosmetics - Toy Ship, Airplane - Magic Toys - Candles - Glasses - Jewelry Imitation - Measurement Meter - Haircut Utensil - Umbrella Raincoats - Needlework - Clocks Watches - Lighters - Batteries - Toy Accessories - Laundry Products - Stuffed Toys - Bedding - Bags & Cases - Electrical Toys - Others - Toy Design & Process - Home Supplies - Soap - Preschool Toys - Musical Toys - Horticulture