Article - Engine Parts Turbocharger - Auto Parts - sinotrukhowo - 1.168.216.* - Visit this site
Engine Parts Turbocharger
A turbocharger consists of a compressor wheel and exhaust gas turbine wheel coupled together by a solid shaft and that is used to boost the intake air pressure of an interna ...(33/1)
Article - Do You Know About Fastener Materials? - Standard Parts - starwdh - 1.168.216.* - Visit this site
1) Carbon steel
Carbon steel has excellent processability, can meet a wide range of strength performance combinations, and has a lower cost compared to other fastener materials.
The mechanical pro ...(82/1)
Article - The Principle Of Water Reducing Admixtures - Catalyzer - dongkepce - 1.168.216.* - Visit this site
The principle is mainly to use water reducer to modify the surface of concrete. Commonly used water reducing agents are anionic surface active substances. When the cement is mixed with water and set a ...(31/1)
Product - TX1178 High Pressure Common Rail Pump And Injector Test Bench - Electronic Data Systems - cntestbench - 1.168.216.* - Visit this site
Our independently developed TX1178 Common Rail Injector Test bench with high quality is used to test electronic high pressure common rail pumps, common rail pipes and common rail inje ...(24/2)
Article - How Much Is The Fatigue Resistance Of Bolts Improved After Heat Treatment? - Electronic Data Systems - starwdh - 1.168.216.* - Visit this site
Fatigue strength of high-strength bolts has always been an issue of concern. Data show that most of the failures of high-strength bolts are caused by fatigue failure, and there are almost no signs of ...(81/1)
Article - Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer - Catalyzer - dongkepce - 1.168.216.* - Visit this site
For the synthesis of polycarboxylic acid water-reducing agent, the design of molecular structure is very important, including the main chain group, side chain density and side chain length in the mole ...(39/1)
Product - CRS-718C Common Rail Test Bench - Others - cntestbench - 1.168.216.* - Visit this site
CRS-718C test bench is special device to test the performance of high-pressure common rail pump and injector, it can test common rail pump, injector of BOSCH,SIEMENS, DELPHI and DENSO an ...(77/1)
Services - Web App Development | - WorksDelight - Website Development - Pardeep Batra - 157.39.47.* - Visit this site
WorksDelight is an IT solutions company focused on the Webdevelopment of solutions for the problems faced by business using deep learning and Blockchain, the most ground-breaking technologies today. ...(121/2)
Product - TX1178 High Pressure Common Rail Pump And Injector Test Bench - Others - cntestbench - 1.168.216.* - Visit this site
Our independently developed TX1178 Common Rail Injector Test bench with high quality is used to test electronic high pressure common rail pumps, common rail pipes and common rail inje ...(92/1)
Product - Brake Light Switch - Auto Parts - sinotrukhowo - 1.168.216.* - Visit this site
Brake light switch
Brake light switch is a small device attached to the brake pedal mechanism. Despite its small size, the brake light switch plays an important role in a modern car.
Brake light swi ...(39/1)
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