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Textile Projects
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 Textile Fabric Cloth Fiber Taiwan Asia speaker grille garment seat knit car baby upholstery RPET bactira far infrared industrial fabric function dry children stroller carriage Recycle PET Recycled Bottle Eco Fabrics Super Corp

Description: Textile, Fabric, Cloth, Fiber, Taiwan, Asia, speaker, RPET, grille, garment, seat, knit, car, baby, upholstery, bactira, far infrared, industrial fabric, function, functional, dry, children, stroller, carriage, Recycled PET Bottle, Recycle PET, Eco Fabrics, Super Textile Corp...

Catalog: Textile Projects @ Textile

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URL: www.supertextile.com URL

Last modified: 2018-12-30 13:38:01
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