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 Men Rhythmic Gymnastics

Description: This is intended to be the hub for the development of men / boys rhythmic gymnastics. It contains history, video clips, technical information and links to countries that are participating in development of men's RG....

Catalog: Gymnastics @ Sport Products

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URL: www.menrg.com URL

Last modified: 2012-08-11 06:50:57
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    Resources for rhythmic gymnastics

       This is intended to be a resource for young kids starting in rhythmic gymnastics (RSG) and their parents. The webpage includes articles, code of point, judging material, tips and hints for training, history and links to other sites that have information that directly or in-directly helps in the development of a rhythmic gymnast.

    [Gymnastics] - www.e*iterg.com - ISO-8859-1 - 2012-08-11

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