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 InCharge Education Foundation

Description: Read how InCharge promotes and provides free financial literacy education, nationwide to children, adults and our military servicemembers who need it most....

Catalog: Education Tools @ Office Supplies

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URL: www.inchargefoundation.org URL

Last modified: 2016-05-30 02:49:01
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       InCharge Debt Solutions is a nonprofit agency offering free credit counseling, debt management & debt consolidation alternatives.

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    National Foundation for Credit Counseling

       NFCC is a non-profit organization representing Member Agencies that provide free or low-cost individualized, confidential credit counseling in-person, by phone, or on-line. Personal assistance is offered to help people in stressful financial situations as well as those seeking financial education, increased financial literacy, or trying to reach specific financial goals, and is provided by trained Certified Consumer Credit Counselors.

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