Internet Service2013-08-07
Description: 东莞市寮步智兴塑胶制品厂以干净的无纺布边角料为主,专业生产多级别,各色的聚丙烯PP颗粒。白色PP粒、杂色PP粒、填充母粒(也可以根据客户的要求生产)。色泽鲜艳亮度好,浮水,流动性强,具有拉丝,注塑,生产无纺布等多种用途,产品均以250目双层过滤网,无添加剂等。...
Catalog: Internet Service @ News & Media
Charset: UTF-8
URL: ![URL](
Last modified: 2013-08-07 09:17:51
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[Internet Service] - www.*
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Related seek: Books - Magazines - Newspaper - TV - Internet Service - CDs, Records & Tapes - News & Media - Others - Radio - Movie - Radio TV Equipment
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