Internet Service2013-05-30
Description: 河北华普机床量具主要生产铸铁平台、检验平板、装配平板、基础铸铁平台、铆焊平板、划线平板、T型槽平板、平尺、花岗石、V型铁、偏摆仪、垫铁、方箱、特种扳手、铸铁平板、划线平板、研磨平板、平行平尺、方尺、铸铁方箱、磁性方箱、铸铁弯板、铸铁直角尺、V型铁、V型架、花岗石平尺、花岗石方箱、花岗石平板、花岗石直角尺、镁铝平尺、偏摆检查仪、齿轮跳动检查仪、机床垫铁、调整垫铁、斜铁、斜垫铁和花岗石量具系列产品。...
Catalog: Internet Service @ News & Media
Charset: UTF-8
Last modified: 2013-05-30 16:06:46
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Related seek: Books - Others - CDs, Records & Tapes - Radio - Newspaper - TV - Internet Service - Magazines - Radio TV Equipment - Movie - Electronic Books
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