Description: 上海科晓科学仪器有限公司是一家专注于实验室分析仪器的销售和服务的公司。主要代理销售国内一流品牌,如上海精科(上分、物光、雷磁和天平)的基础实验室分析仪器,上海伍丰的液相色谱仪,上海博迅的箱式类仪器,岛津-GL的配件和耗材,安捷伦的配件和耗材,大连依利特的液相色谱柱,中科院兰化所的气相色谱柱,北京精华苑的气体发生器,北京中兴汇利的顶空进样器,上海安科的离心机和安亭电子的卡氏水份仪,科晓公司是这些厂家全国至大的代理商。为了满足不同客户的品牌要求,公司还经销国内其它品牌的产品,如上海越平的电子天平和红...
Catalog: Therapies @ Health Medicine
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Last modified: 2015-09-11 20:48:23
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Related seek: Therapies Services - Beauty Care Products - Biotechnology Products - Beauty Equipment - Herb Medicine - Pharmacy Stocks - Medical Supplies - Veterinary Medicine - Medical Accessories - Enzyme - Medical Implements - Health Medicine - Health Care Products - Drugs Medications - Health Product Agents - Herbs Natural Remedies - Others - Life Sciences - Health Projects - Medical Equipment - Therapies - Pharmaceutic Machinery - Pharmaceutical Chemicals
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