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 MYcroarray - Custom Oligonucleotide Microarrays DNA Microarray Hybridization Service

Description: MYcroarray.com offers microarray hybridization services and manufactures custom oligonucleotide microarrays, also known as custom microarrays or custon DNA microarrays, at a very competitive price. Our custom DNA microarrays are made by in situ synthesizing long oligonucleotides directly on the surface of a microscope slide. We offer the best spot uniformity and slide to slide reproducibility of the custom microarray market. We also offer the most complete catalog of bacteria microarrays and archaea microarrays (or archaeon microarrays) for more than 700 organisms. We also offer a comprehensiv...

Catalog: Life Sciences @ Health Medicine

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URL: www.mycroarray.com URL

Last modified: 2015-06-30 15:32:02
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