Exploration & Discovery2012-05-18
Description: 经济学人集团(The Economist Group China) 针对世界领域经济、商业环境变化和全球范围重大事件提供独到分析、深入洞察和有远见的预测。我们提供的信息服务,从纸质到电子产品,包括报纸、杂志、会议、调研、预测等。原创性的见解、独立的思考判断、客观的分析预测,以及百余年的品牌,保证了经济学人集团在世界风云变幻中始终处于领先地位。 The Economist Group is the leading source of analysis on international business and world affairs. We deliver our information through a range of formats, from newspaper and magazines to conferences and electronic services. What ties us together is the objectivity of our opinion, the originality of our insight and our advocacy of economic and political freedom around the world....
Catalog: Exploration & Discovery @ Entertainment
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URL: www.economistgroup.cn
Last modified: 2012-05-18 13:11:58
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