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 厦门国贸金门湾大酒店有限公司网站 - 福建 在线预订

Description: 酒店系由厦门国贸集团投资上亿元精心打造,厦门航空酒店管理有限公司管理,厦航国贸金门湾大酒店是一家集旅游度假、商务会议、餐饮娱乐为一体的多功能四星级大酒店。Invested for more than 100 million RMB by Xiamen ITG Group and managed by Xiamen Airlines Hotel Management Company, Xiamen Golden Bay Resort is a multi-functional hotel of supplying tourism vocation, business conference, food and beverage, and entertainment service, which lies at the south of the DaDeng island double-Shanghai section....

Catalog: Trade Cooperation @ Economic Cooperation

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Last modified: 2013-10-17 10:45:50
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