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Trade Cooperation
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 Nucor Trading - International Steel Company

Description: Nucor Trading is an international steel trading company, active in markets for ferrous products such as finished and semi-finished steel....

Catalog: Trade Cooperation @ Economic Cooperation

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URL: www.nucortrading.com URL

Last modified: 2012-02-19 15:56:02
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  • nucor.com

    ★ Nucor Corporation ★

       Nucor Corporation is made up of over 20, 000 teammates whose goal is to 'Take Care of Our Customers.' We are accomplishing this by being the safest, highest quality, lowest cost, most productive and most profitable steel and steel products company in the world. We are committed to doing this while being cultural and environmental stewards in our communities where we live and work. We are succeeding by working together.

    [Internet Service] - www.nu*or.com - UTF-8 - 2017-02-10

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