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Water Dispenser
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 Introducing Enagic® Kangen Water®! :: Bob Hilke Jr Manchester CT

Description: Enagic® is a global business that revolutionizes the way you think about your hydration and your life. For over three decades, this Japanese company has been producing Kangen Water with innovative water technology that transforms ordinary tap water into hydrating, alkaline water. Today, Enagic® has sold more than 400,000 water ionizers in Japan alone. The technology is cutting-edge, and now Kangen Water® can be available in your personal home today.Kangen Water Ionizers produce Alkaline Water with a powerful negative Oxidation Reduction Potential and Minerals - SD501 counter top and under coun...

Catalog: Water Dispenser @ Consumer Electronics

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Last modified: 2016-02-25 18:47:01
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