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  • apple.com.cn


    Apple 设计并创造了 iPod 和 iTunes、Mac 便携式和台式电脑、OS X 操作系统以及革命性的 iPhone 和 iPad。隐政策 选择你的国家或地区 京公安网安备 11010500896京ICP...

     [Computer] - www.app*e.com.cn - UTF-8 - 2013-03-18

  • hospitalitydesign.com

    Hospitality Design | Latest Commercial Interior Design News

    Hospitality Design is the leading commercial interior design publication, covering industry news and hotel and restaurant design projects.Warner Architects and NICOLEHOLLIS restore a Hawaii resort to its former glory Read More Senior Li...

     [Souvenirs] - www.hospitalitydesign.com - UTF-8 - 2023-11-03 - Add to favorites

  • wallpaper.com

    Wallpaper* Magazine: design, interiors,...

    Wallpaper* is the world’s number one global design destination, championing the best in architecture, interiors, fashion, art and contemporary lifestyle2015: menswear collections editors picks fashion / 21 Jan 2015 Tense Architecture Networks concrete...

     [Website Development] - www.*allpaper.com - UTF-8 - 2015-01-29

  • dezeen.com

    Dezeen - architecture and design magazine

    The world's most influential architecture, interiors and design magazines emphasise the cantilever of Robert Konieczny's Living-Garden House The cantilevered upper storey ...

     [Website Development] - www.dezeen*.com - UTF-8 - 2015-04-11

  • designboom.com

    designboom magazine | your first source...

    al interventions from buenos aires to san antonio Apr 10, 2015 montenegro architects contains tróia...

     [Website Development] - www.desi*nboom.com - UTF-8 - 2015-04-11

  • dexigner.com

    Design News - Dexigner

    Dexigner is the leading onweb portal for designers, architects, illustrators, engineers, artists, and creatives of all kinds. Founded in 2001, Dexigner publishes the latest design news, events, competitions, books and resources.row of a focus for a big exhibition?Global Centre for Social Sciences Competition ShortlistOct 7, 2...

     [Designing & Planning] - www.dexig*er.com - UTF-8 - 2013-10-09

  • creativereview.co.uk

    Creative Review - Home

    les Once a fine art sculptor, Jake Rusby now handbuilds bikes to order as Rusby Cycles. We filmed h...

     [Website Development] - www.creativ*review.co.uk - UTF-8 - 2015-01-31

  • toidea.com

    toidea创易网 - 标志设计-包装设计-吉祥物设计-创意威客平台-中国创意交...

    toidea中国创意交易网(toidea创易网),威客、沃客平台,满足客户在标志设计,包装设计,吉祥物设计,命名,logo设计,商标设计,vi设计,广告设计,网页设计,环境,画册等方面创意需求;自主定价,公开竞标;众多设计师为客户提供上百个方案,体验百里挑一的待遇。满足...¥2000 方便装老鸭粉丝汤的包装设计 收藏此任务 | 剩余 (-) 天 | (已结束) ¥1000 湖南源峰现代农业发展有限公司...

     [Designing & Planning] - www.t*idea.com - GB2312 - 2016-03-31

  • pkg.cn


    包联网是专注于包装设计与包装制品的门户网站,始建于1999年,为国内包装行业历史悠久的权威门户,其前身为中国包装设计网。6层,200025 北京:北京市通州京贸国际公寓西雅图港2712室,101199 广州:广州市滨江东路1024号江畔华庭...

     [Internet Service] - www.p*g.cn - UTF-8 - 2016-03-25

  • visionunion.com

    视觉同盟-中国文化创意产业先锋媒体:设计资讯 - 设计招聘 - 设计竞赛 - 作...

    视觉同盟网站(VisionUnion.com)是为全中国及全球各行业的设计师和设计院校在校学生提供全方位服务的专业内容提供商,全面复盖设计行业,内容信息全面高效及时。是受中国及全球设计师推崇的专业网站,是专业的艺术设计网络媒体。...院Profoto合力打造至专业灯光影像艺术… 第七届国务院学位委员会

     [Employment] - www.vision*nion.com - GBK - 2015-03-11

  • behance.net



     [Advertising Agency] - www.b*hance.net - UTF-8 - 2016-06-05

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