Wolda - the worldwide logo design annual
WOLDA - Worldwide Logo Design Annual is the high-profile graphic design award scheme that rewards the best projects in the world in the field of logo design. [Designing & Planning] - www.wold*.org
- UTF-8 - 2016-03-31
kenzhu - kenzhu.org
[Others] - www.ke*zhu.org
- UTF-8 - 2013-11-22
iTheme [做至好的主题创造者]===请戳iTheme.cc...
iTheme主题制作团队成立于2014年,创始人疯子小魏,团队成员由一群热爱设计的小伙伴组成,分别来自五湖四海,服务过小米主题市场,魅族主题市场,360桌面主题市场,GO桌面主题市场,华为主题市场,为千万手机用户提供了数百套精美的手机主题!... [Internet Service] - www.itheme*.cc/
- UTF-8 - 2015-01-28
ID Magazine :: Gallery
I.D. features some of the best work from the Behance Network in several categories, with an emphasis on industrial and product design. [Internet Advertising] - www.id-ma*.com
- UTF-8 - 2014-09-07
Arctic Circle - | Strategic Brand Institute
[Designing & Planning] - www.arcticcircl*.co.za
- UTF-8 - 2013-05-31
新悦互动专注于高端网站建设/网页设计和网站视觉界面设计,我们始终坚持“诚信服务客户,专业缔造完美”为客户量身设计企业品牌形象网站。 [Computer Related Projects] - www.webnewyu*.com
- UTF-8 - 2014-11-27
四川艺术涂料厂家直贩斯图美,***国内信得过老品牌。成都清水混凝土水泥漆修复修补/成都艺术漆厂家/成都水泥漆施工/成都稻草漆厂家/成都肌理漆/四川液体壁纸/成都3D墙艺/成都艺术涂料... [Coatings] - www.stmay*.cn
- GB2312 - 2021-09-29
光远的个人收藏站点,程序猿、设计师常用工具,个人技能槽扩展目录,工作之余的充电站,每周更新! [Personal Homepage] - www.shenzek*y.com
- UTF-8 - 2017-09-21
AD110 - 快乐分享 - 创意 广告 品牌 平面 视觉 服装 室内 环境 建...
创意 设计 艺术 广告网站 - AD110.com 是中文(华文)创意、设计、艺术、广告人群至受推崇的互联网专业品牌之一,拥有全球至丰富的创意、艺术、设计和广告资源。 [Advertising Agency] - www.ad*10.com
- GB2312 - 2016-02-18
Sukkah City: NYC 2010
[Regional Investment] - www.sukkahci*y.com
- WINDOWS-1252 - 2023-10-21
Keene Yoga Center
[Yoga] - www.keeneyogac*nter.com
- UTF-8 - 2014-08-19
London/Palermo Web Designer and Developer, Wordpress design, Blog design, ecomme...
Freelancer Web Designer in London & Palermo. Italy and UK based professional web designer, ecommerce web design & blog design using wordpress and magento. [Designing & Planning] - www.*ikizzi.com
- UTF-8 - 2011-10-30
Typography Served :: Gallery
Typography Served features top work in categories such as typeface design, lettering, illustrated typography, or any piece with a strong typographic treatment. [Designing & Planning] - www.typographys*rved.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-09-23
Designlenta — more than daily inspiratio...
Designlenta — daily magazine about design, advertising, illustration, industrial, motion, photography. Here you can find more creative ... [Designing & Planning] - www.desi*nlenta.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-04-15